About Open Support

Open Support is committed to providing unwavering support addressing some of the most profound and urgent needs in our communities that can impact any of us. We offer services to women and children escaping domestic and family violence, and people experiencing social isolation and loneliness. We take compassion into action. From fear and loneliness to empowerment, independence and connection. Helping build communities where everyone can thrive.

1 in 4
women and children in Australia experience Domestic and Family Violence

of Australians experience loneliness

Our Programs

Domestic & Family Violence

We assist women and children who are experiencing domestic and family violence by providing safe accommodation and specialised support. At Open Support we work to renew their trust that their futures can be happy and empowered.

Social Isolation & Loneliness

The Community Connections Program is a free program which provides social support to people who are experiencing social isolation and loneliness in our communities.

Get Involved

The support we provide to the members of our community relies on people like you. There is a number of ways you can get involved and enable Open Support to reach and care for more people in need.

Our Partners